Monday, January 21, 2019

Confusion over heavy security at Lagos House of Assembly

Increased security presence at the Lagos State House of Assembly early on Monday raised speculation that Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode was set to officially present the state’s 2019 budget proposals to the state lawmakers.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that there was heavy security presence at the entrance to Lagos Assembly in the morning, which is not unusual during such important events.

The atmosphere, however, later changed after some hours when the security men dispersed, leaving many to believe the presentation was not to be.

Some lawmakers and high ranking officials of the House, who spoke on condition of anonymity, in the morning also said that they were not aware of any budget presentation by the governor scheduled for the day.

However, the situation took another turn when the press crew from the governor’s office came in around 3:30 pm., only to leave again moments after.

NAN learnt that they had earlier been notified about the presentation and had assembled as early as 7a.m., but had to wait till around 3pm before they were invited into the premises of the House of Assembly.

After a 20-minute wait in the lobby of the legislative building, a man who identified himself as the OC House of Assembly told the crew that what was happening was just a normal session.

The officer said that the ongoing session was not the budget presentation.

The speaker’s aide then politely asked the journalists to leave the lobby of the state assembly.

Meanwhile, the lawmakers who were supposed to sit for plenary session at noon, rose from a parliamentary session at the Lateef Jakande Auditorium and commmenced plenary on the floor at 4:47pm.

Mr Mudashiru Obasa, the Speaker of the House, asked the Clerk of the House, Mr Azeez Sanni, if there was any message from the governor, but the Clerk told the House that there was no message.

At the session, Mr Moshood Oshun, the Chairman, House Committee on Public Accounts, laid the report of the public hearing on a bill for a law to amend the Lagos State Audit Law handled by his committee.

A bill for a law to amend the Lagos State High Court Law Cap H5 was read for the third time and passed by the House.

Obasa directed the clerk of the House to forward a clean copy of the bill to Mr Akinwunmi Ambode for assent.

The house rose and adjourned at 4:57 pm until Jan. 28.

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